Tools and Open Source

See also local files:





To build privacy-preservation constructions, Java. Pairings-based, ZK, ...


See also local files:



See also local files: Products:


Trusted Platform Module (ISO/IEC 11889) is a standard for a secure cryptoprocessor, to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic keys. Each TPM chip has a unique and secret Endorsement Key (EK) burned in as it is produced.

See also local files: Basics Microsoft Windows

PDF security



German start-up, Hannover. Works on PQmail as well.




Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) introduced a decentralised model of trust based on public keys and certificates. PGP is software built as an e-mail encryption tool by Phil Zimmermann, where parties are represented by their public key. Its message format is described in RFC 4880.

On Linux

On Windows

Stanford Pairing Based Crypto library (Ben Lynn)

Pairings involve three groups of prime order. The PBC library calls them G1, G2, and GT, and calls the order r. The pairing is a bilinear map that takes two elements as input, one from G1 and one from G2, and outputs an element of GT.

The elements of G2 are at least as long as G1; G1 is guaranteed to be the shorter of the two. Sometimes G1 and G2 are the same group (i.e. the pairing is symmetric) so their elements can be mixed freely. In this case the pairing_is_symmetric function returns 1.

Bilinear pairings are stored in the data type pairing_t. Functions that operate on them start with pairing_.

Pairings are initialized from pairing parameters, which are objects of type pbc_param_t. Some applications can ignore this data type because pairing_init_set_str() handles it behind the scenes.

The function pairing_apply can be called to apply a bilinear map. The order of the inputs is important. The first, which holds the output, must be from the group GT. The second must be from G1, the third from G2, and the fourth must be the pairing_t variable that relates them.

Main calls:

Examples: Info:

Bouncy Castle (supercedes Cryptix)

See also local files


EU DSS - an open-source Java library

DSS on Digital Building Blocks

Local files

In order to generate HTML and PDF documentation for the DSS project, the dss-cookbook module of the DSS Core must be built with the following command (please, ensure that you are located in the /dss-cookbook directory): mvn clean install -P asciidoctor where asciidoctor is a profile whose invocation results in html5 and pdf. DSS validation process is based on the ETSI standard EN 319 102-1.

Online repositories/JIRA

Online demo

Online documentation

CEF Digital wiki (legacy)

EU CEF DSS on Github (legacy)

EU Sign

EU JoinUp tools

VeraCrypt - TrueCrypt

OpenSSH OpenSSL OpenDnsSec


Adobe Sign



US, California, since 2003. The firm began sales in 2005 when zipForm, now zipLogix, integrated DocuSign into its virtual real estate forms. Mock trials featuring licensed attorneys and real judges highlighted the admissibility of DocuSign contracts in court based on encrypted audit logs of signature events, as well as the impossibility of changing contracts.

VeraCrypt - TrueCrypt

OpenSSH OpenSSL OpenDnsSec




OpenSSL contains an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library, written in the C programming language, implements basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions. Wrappers allowing the use of the OpenSSL library in a variety of computer languages are available.


LibreSSL is an open-source implementation of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The implementation is named after Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the deprecated predecessor of TLS, for which support was removed in release 2.3.0. The OpenBSD project forked LibreSSL from OpenSSL 1.0.1g in April 2014 as a response to the Heartbleed security vulnerability, with the goals of modernizing the codebase, improving security, and applying development best practices.




IRMA is a set of free and open source software projects implementing the Idemix attribute-based credential scheme, allowing users to safely and securely authenticate themselves as privacy-preserving as the situation permits. Users receive digitally signed attributes from trusted issuer, storing them in their IRMA app, after which the user can selectively disclose attributes to others.
