Writing and LaTeX
See also local files:
Academic writing
TeX - Donald Knuth's typesetting system (1978)
LaTeX - a document preparation system
LaTeX uses the TeX typesetting program for formatting its output, and is itself written in the TeX macro language
LaTeX project
LaTeX distributions
TeX Live
TeX Live way 1 OS
TeX Live way 2 tlmgr
- TeX Live tlmgr 'way 2' - own package manager if not using OS package manager
LaTeX editors and utilities
LaTeX tips
There are two methods for adding bibliography at the end of your LATEX documents.
- The first method is to use thebibliography environment inside your document.
Reference entries are added using \bibitem{key} and are called via \cite{key}.
You can change the bibliography style by formatting the \bibitem entry.
- The second method is BibTEX, in which case you need two files:
bibliography style file (bstfile) and bibliography database file (bibfile).
In your LATEX source file, you have to add the following two lines for bibliography:
- \bibliographystyle{unsrt} % Bibliography style file, unsrt.bst
- \bibliography{moga} % Bibliography database file, moga.bib
When you execute bibtex, the bibfile is formatted in accordance with the rules in the bstfile.
The resulting file is a bbl file that is referenced by your LATEX sourcefile.
BibTeX basics
BibTeX is reference management software for formatting lists of references.
It was created by Oren Patashnik and Leslie Lamport in 1985. It is written in WEB/Pascal.
Two main styles:
- Numbered citations (also known as the Vancouver referencing system) are numbered consecutively in order of appearance
in the text
- Textual citations (also known as the Harvard referencing system) use the author surname and
(usually) the year as the abbreviated form of the citation
BibTeX tools
Beamer is a LaTeX document class for creating presentation slides.
Clarivate, the WOS company has a commercial product called EndNote. You need a license to use it.
Citations and repositories
- TikZ intro at Wikipedia
- TikZ at texample