Politics and governance
EU - other
- DK - Danish e-government - including Danish initiative on digital signatures OCES - includes Danish KBO
- DK - Hoje-Taastrup - e-boks.dk
- DE - CIO Bund
- DE - BSI - German centre for IT security
- DE - Electronic Tax Return
- AT - A-Sit - Austrian centre for IT security (Burgerkarte, e-signature)
- CH - ISB - Swiss centre for IT security
- EE - Estonia - Riigiportaal
- FI - Suomi.fi - main gateway to Finnish administration
- FI - Tekes - the Finnish National Technology Agency - the main financing organisation for applied and industrial R & D in Finland
- UK - Legislation on-line - Data Protection Act, RIP Act, ...
- UK - Parliament and its acts
- UK - Government on-line -launched 2000-09
- UK - Cabinet Office - ensuring that the government delivers its priorities
- UK - Scotland
- UK - National Hi-Tech Crime Unit
- UK - CPNI - Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure - including "How to secure OS X Leopard"
- UK - LondonPrepared (business continuity advice, risk management)
- UK - Home Office
- UK - Information Commissioner's Office ICO a.o. eIDAS and trust
- UK - MI5 - (Security Service, Home Secretary is accountable), UK's security intelligence agency, responsible for protecting the UK, its citizens and interests, against the major threats to national security.
- UK - Foreign Office
- UK - MI6 - (Secret Intelligence Service, Foreign Secretary is accountable) operates world-wide and is responsible for gathering secret intelligence outside the UK in support of the government's security, defence and foreign and economic policies.
- UK - GCHQ - (Government Communication HeadQuarters - SIGINT, Foreign Secretary is accountable)
- UK - e-envoy - Information Age Champions
- UK - DTI Information Society Initiative
- UK - advise for SME's
- UK - e-government
- UK - Northumbria Police
- IE - Health Information and Quality Authority
- ES - Fabrica Nacional De Moneda y Timbre - Entidad Publica de Certificacion
- IT - ANS - Autorita Nazionale per la Sicurezza - accrediting body
- IT - ISCOM - established 1907 as department of the Communication Ministry - Instituto Superiore delle Comunicazione e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione
- IT - CNIPA - Centro Nazionale per l'Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione - Giovanni Manca
- ITSEC and CC evalation centre accredited by Italian ANS
- GR - National Telecommunication and Post Commission - regulatory body, also for electronic signatures
- GR - Infosociety.gr
- GR - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Middle East
Far East
China and Hong Kong