GOVERNANCE - EU and related
Local files
See also local files (GrayTiger):
COE - Council of Europe - 47 members
EU basics
Two core functional treaties were instrumental in the creation of the EU. They are:
- the Treaty on European Union (originally signed in Maastricht in 1992)
- the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (originally signed in Rome in 1958 as the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community).
There are a number of satellite treaties. The treaties have been repeatedly amended by other treaties since they were first signed.
The consolidated version of the two core treaties is regularly published by the European Commission.
Eur-Lex - all the texts, electronically signed and verifiable by CheckLex
EJN - European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matter - overview of legislations
Aggregated information
European Commission
- European Commission with the Commissioners, their initiatives, and the DG's (from agriculture via information society to Taxation and Customs)
- DG SECGEN - overall coherence - 'Better Regulation'
- Junckers
- Commission work programme
- Strategic plan
- Management plan
- DG Budget - multi annual frameworks, controls
- DG Justice, fundamental rights, citizen ship, data protection, civil/criminal justice, contract law, etc.
Created on July 1 2010, following the division of the former DG JSF (Justice, Freedom and Security) into two separate Directorates-General (Justice and Home).
- DG Home Affairs - established in 2010 - including visas, residence permits for non-EU, document security, borders, ...
- Frontex Agency External Borders
- eu-LISA Large-scale Information Systems Agency, operates SIS II, VIS, EuroDAC
- eu-LISA- extranet
- ABC4EU - FP 7 ABC-gates research - Indra/PwC ES - 2014-2018
- FastPass - FP 7 ABC-gates research
- SBC - Schengen Border Code - in 1995 the Schengen area was established, allowing free travelling without internal borders between the member states that signed the agreement. It also included a compensatory measure for information exchange, the Schengen Information System.
- SIS/SIS II - Schengen Information System - common database for exchange of information on persons and objects between national law enforcement authorities responsible for border controls, customs and police checks (call for tender JAI-C3-2003-01 - Unisys/HP/Steria/Mummert/Primesphere)
- BioDEV - Biometrics Data Experimented in Visas - can be considered as a VIS-laboratory
- VIS - Visa Information System - common visa policy, enbabling Schengen Member States to enter, update and consult visa data (ref EC 343/2003 Dublin II Regulation), life since October 2011
- BMS - Biometric Matching System - conceived as a module of VIS
- EES - Entry Exit System for TCNs (Third Country Nationals)
- RTP - Registred Traveller Program for TCNs
- EuroDAC - European Automated Fingerprint Identification System to compare fingerprints of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, operated by the Commission (JSF) since 2003
- CCAFIS - Central Criminal AFIS - made possible by the Pruem Treaty
- DG FPI - Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI)
- DG External affairs (legacy) - including sanctions
- EEAS - European External Action Service - the European Union's diplomatic corps. It supports the EU foreign affairs chief (High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton) in conducting the common foreign and security policy.
- DG IMCO - Internal Market and Consumer Protection
- DG EAC - Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
- ENIC-NARIC - Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence, since 1984
- NARIC: National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union
- NARIC Vlaanderen
- ENIC: European Network of Information Centres in the European Region
- IT CIMEA - Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence, since 1984
- IT CIMEA - Statements of comparability and qualifications certification - Diplo-me
- DG ENTR - Enterprise and Industry - addressing the ESO - European Standards Organisations - CEN, CENELEC, ETSI
- DG ECFIN- Economic and Financial Affairs
- DG FISMA- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- DG SanCo - Health and Consumer, oversees a.o.
- EMA - European Medicines Agency
- ECDC - European Center for Disease Control
- EMCDDA - European medical centre for drugs and drug abuse
- EFSA - European Food Safety Agency
- CPVO - Community Plant Variety Office
- ECDPC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and control
- EHFCN - European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network
- Standing Committee of European doctors
- DG RTD - Research and Innovation - Horizon2020
- DG Energy
- EU ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of the Energy Regulators
- DG Transport - EETS, ITS, DTS, ...
- DG MOVE (was part of Transport and Energy) - EETS, ITS, DigiTach, ...
- DG TAXUD Taxation and Customs
- VIES - check VAT number
- MOSS system (VAT mini one-stop shop):
taxable person which is registered for the MOSS in a Member State (the MS of Identification) electronically submits quarterly MOSS returns detailing supplies of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronically supplied services to non-taxable persons in other Member States (the MS(s) of consumption), along with the VAT due
These returns, along with the VAT paid, are then transmitted by the MS of Identification to the corresponding MS(s) of consumption via a secure communications network
- EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System): trans-European System for monitoring movements of excise goods under suspension of excise duty within the EU.
As of January 1st 2011, it replaced paper documents by electronic messages from Consignor to Consignee via Member State Administrations.
It enables supervision of goods movements and provides MSAs with prior information for timely targeted controls, ensuring tax debt is ultimately collected by Member States.
It concerns a yearly volume of approximately 3.000.000 electronic administrative documents (e-ADs).
- DG - Connect - Digital Agenda
- DG-Eurostat (rooted in Coal & Steel, a DG since 1958)
- Eurostat/ESA - European System of Accounts - ESA 95 was adopted as a Council Regulation dated 25 June 1996
- DG-IT - DIGIT - IT for the Commission - including eID interop, OpenSource, IDABC etc
- ISA programme
- ISA programme monitoring
- Digit-related applications include: TESS (social affairs), CATS/STATEL (agriculture), Care (transport), Fides (fishery), SFC (structural funds for regional policy,
Hiems (health and consumer protection), EuroDAC/Dublinet (justice, freedom, security), SIGL (trade), Datashop/Statel (statistics),
FIUNET (financial intelligence), HOLIS (humanitarian aid), judicial register for MS
- Network infrastructure(the domain, 62.62.x.x):
- Testa
- Testa2
- S-Testa (EU Secret, EU Confidential (ProcivNet), EU Restricted (SIS, VISA, FADO, EuroDac, FIUNET), Non Classified (Eudranet, TAXUD, Eures)
- DG RTD - Research and Innovation - FP7/ERC/Horizon2020
- DG JRC - Joint Research Centre - Ispra
- DG JRC - Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies - Sevilla (ES)
EC building blocks
Council of the European Union
- Council of the European Union
- Council of the European Union (or Consilium) - legislative body in co-decision - Herman Van Rompuy/Donald Tusk
Council configurations include:
- Transport, Telecommunication and Energy Council
- Competitiveness Council
- Agriculture and Fisheries Council
- Environment Council
- Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council
Preparatory bodies include:
- COREPER - prepare the agenda for the ministerial Council of the European Union meetings, may take some procedural decisions, oversees and coordinates the work of some 250 committees and working parties
- Coreper I (Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union, made up of the deputy head of mission from the EU MS in Brussels, deals largely with social and economic issues)
- Coreper II (heads of mission and deals largely with political, financial and foreign policy issues)
- Working Parties (e.g. Working Party on Frontiers)
- Committees
- eTendering platform of the Consilium
European Parliament
Other institutions
EU ECB and finance
Refer also to EU regulations and roles
European PPP collaboration
EU programs and research
EU publications
EU outreach and aid
EU processes, programs and projects
Critical voices:
EU EP parties